Thursday, January 28, 2010

28th of January

Today is my husband's birthday!

Happy Birthday Chris!

I am not going to recap his last 33 years or even the first time we met (because we all know that is when his life really began! LOL) but I will thank the Lord for bringing him into my life! He is a wonderful, strong, patient, funny, kind, and loving person.

I have learned so much from him and I am very thankful for him in my life.

So Happy Birthday Baby! I love you!

1 comment:


    You are 100% correct.

    His life began when he met you.

    Not only have I never seen him happier pre-meredelicious, but he is so much more responsible, more relaxed, and more FUN!

    I am proud to call him my brother, Uncle to my babes.

    And I am so very thankful and prayerful that YOU found HIM!

    AMEN, Sista!
