Friday, February 5, 2010

Update: the Big Game plans

For future parties...things that you think will be easy to find like whistles, striped paper, little football characters etc. are not always that easy to find.

These are exactly the kinds of things that you can find when you are not looking but when you need them are NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.

That being said I did find some whistles at Party City but they are not the classic style that I would have liked. I also found black and white striped paper but the stripes are much larger than I would have liked also. I think the cupcakes will still be cute but not like I thought. I think they will look like the early 90s version of what I orignally posted.

Little football guys are my fault. I saw some at a classic toy store recently and I should have bought them. I might trek the 45 minutes over to said toy store tomorrow and see if they still have them. I MIGHT. I might just deal with my football field table cloth and forego the football men. We will see how I feel about that tomorrow.

It just makes me appreciate Oriental Trading Co that much more, as well as proper advanced planning.

I do think the party will be great!

Just thought I would share some party planning insight and lessons learned.

1 comment:

  1. and lest we forget party planning commandment #3:
    never trust your gimpy SIL when she says you can depend on her for help. UGH! Sorry!
