Sunday, November 8, 2009

The day before the letter

Tomorrow I will be handing in my resignation letter at work. I am extremely nervous about it. This is my first real resignation as this is my first career job. I have given two weeks notice at various jobs that I had in college, but that is way different than this. This is big. This is scary.

However, I am ready. It will be good to finally be able to tell my boss my plans. Plans to move across the country to be closer to family. To hopefully start a family of our own soon.

I haven't been very comfortable lately knowing that I would be leaving and not being able to talk about it. I am pretty good at keeping secrets but it is very hard. I talk, alot, and it is extremely difficult for me not to be honest. Probably to a fault. I am sure that I over-share frequently.

Tomorrow is the liberation. To get it all out there on the table will be good. Then maybe I will bring myself to pack a box! Because 2 weeks is going to creep up on us way fast.

Is it wrong that I even find it hard to publish this. I feel like I still need to keep it all hush hush. It isn't like my boss will read this. Ever. Especially not 12 hours before I tell them I am quitting. It just still makes me nervous!!!

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