Monday, February 1, 2010

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama.

This week I did not shirk many a responsibility to read the Twilight saga with reckless abandon. I did not stay up so late on Sunday night reading that I needed to sleep in on Monday only to wake up and continue reading. I did not justify my incessant reading by "in the mean time" also doing laundry. I would never abuse the 85 minutes that it takes for the washer to cycle through the whites to get that much closer to the Cullens! I would never claim that this was productive. I also did not just put a pee pad down so that I didn't have to take my dog out in the rain instead of continuing to read. This did not have more to do with the rain than the actually reading however. I am not almost finished with the last book even though I purchased it on Friday. Not me.


  1. Oh boy! I have done this same thing! and I want to do it again! Love those books!

  2. i love this series on mckmama's blog. you make me laugh. this was me with the harry potter books- 5 years late! i haven't even picked up a twilight book because i am afraid the very same thing will happen again! :)

  3. Steph- It will! Don't do it until you have a bunch of time to waste. Maybe a long plane ride or vacation. Or just do LOTS of "laundry" while the kids are napping!

  4. AWESOME! I have NEVER done that before. NEVER. And definitely NOT with the Harry Potter series.
    NOT me.

  5. Bwahahahahaha! This is the best idea ever.
