Thursday, October 28, 2010

A little Halloween

I am not a big Halloween decorator usually. I love fall decorations and tend to rock them from September 30th to December 1st. 

This year I decided to do a few little focus pieces for Halloween along with my Fall decor. 

Hope you are enjoying the Halloween season! 

P.S. Don't buy candy that you actually like WAY before Halloween! It is not "doin' a body good"! Just a tip!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Every Little Bit

This is a common sight at our house.

Do you know what it is?

It is the window ledge above my sink. And those are the foil yogurt lids that my husband so sweetly leaves for me. 

Why? Well, because I asked him too. After his morning Activia he rinses off the lids and sets them on the ledge to dry. After a few of them accumulate I collect them up and take them over to my laptop.

I log onto and enter in the code on the back of the lid. It is the least I can do. For each lid Dannon donates 10cents to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. 

So from now until 11/30/10 I will be frequenting this site.

Because every little bit helps right? I am not doing the 3day walk or anything nearly as profound but I feel like this is at least one little thing I can do. And I appreciate my husband for helping me by remembering to leave his lids. I also appreciate that my husband wore his pink shirt to work today. He even remembered that it wasn't clean and did a load of laundry at 9pm last night DURING A FOOTBALL GAME! He is trying to get it in the rotation as many times as possible during the month of October which, as you probably know, is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

I am very proud that he is so thoughtful. 

So what are you doing to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month?  

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Spice latte's make the world go round!


I am sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte (skim milk, no whip) right now and it is delish!!!

Nothing says Fall like a warm pumpkiny coffee drink.

Okay a few things do. That crisp breeze that keeps rushing in whenever someone opens the door. The guy across the street that is blowing leaves off the sidewalk. The pumpkins on the front porches of the houses in the neighborhood.

I love it!

Fall is my favorite season. Everything from buying school supplies (miss it) to the Thanksgiving dinner. Tie it up in a bow and give it to me please. Love it.

For me there is something fresh and new about Fall. Even more so than Spring. It just seems to waken up the senses. It says "get down to business". After all of the hot lazy days of Summer it is a breath of fresh air! Fresh, cool air. I love breaking out the boots and jackets. Pulling out my Indian corn, my glazed ceramic pumpkins, and my acorn adorned hand towels.

Oh and did I mention the Pumpkin Spice Latte? The glorious PSL!*

The days are getting shorter, the air cooler. The sun is a bright glowing ball of the deepest orange as it sets over the lake behind my house, turning the sky pink and the lake the most beautiful coral color. The windows are being opened and the air conditioner switched off. The environment and my energy bill are both better for it.

Even though I am way too old to do so, I start making a Christmas list. Football is a constant on the weekends (and some weekdays too). Halloween costumes are planned, and the list of all of the things needed to construct said costumes is made. It is a time for getting together with friends and family, watching a game and sitting down to a warm meal. Break out grandma's stuffing recipe cause its on!!!

What about you? What season gets you going?

*I do not frequent Starbucks on a daily basis. In fact I hardly ever do. I still love me some Pumpkin latte goodness.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Going Home

Sometimes the simplest questions can be the hardest to answer.

What do you want for dinner?       What's your favorite song?      How are you doing today?

and for me this weekend...  How do you like Florida?

Now for anyone out there that does not know I lived in Las Vegas for 5+ years and moved to Florida last November.

I was a bridesmaid for one of my good friends this weekend in Las Vegas. I became close with this special friend through the design firm that we both worked for. We worked on a job together for over four years, she being my project manager and I being the Interior Designer on the project. We bonded. She is fabulous. You might remember her from this post where we trained and ran a 1/2 marathon together.

So needless to say there were many friends at this wedding that are former co-workers of mine as well as just friends and acquaintances from my time living in Vegas. And of course the question that I was asked over and over again...

How do you like Florida?

So I tried to answer as honestly as possible.

"You know, it is different"     "Its good"    "I really enjoy being close to family"

All of it seemed to fall short of being able to clearly explain how I feel about Florida. I do like living in Florida, but I also miss almost everyone that I was speaking to and I was having an inner battle of emotions.  I started to get kinda bummed when I thought of them all still working together or at least still working in the Las Vegas fun, fast paced design industry.

Plus this was the first time since moving that I felt decidedly on "the outside". These used to be my peeps! The distance was starting to show.

So anyway that brings me back to another hard question for me. Where is Home? For me Home is always Texas. It took me a long time for Vegas to be Home. And now it was strange leaving Vegas and saying I am going Home to Florida.

I feel like that guy on Sister Wives who doesn't have his own bedroom and just rotates between his 4 wives rooms. (Okay I don't really feel exactly like that but I love that show, so interesting!)

So how do I feel about Florida? I think time has still not answered that question. I feel like there are things to be accomplished, opportunities to be taken advantage of, and friends still to be made. I do like being close to family. I still wish that Dallas was only an hour away so that I could be close to my mom and my brother and his family but, yeah that isn't going to happen. I do miss Las Vegas though. I thought I was so ready to leave but now that I am gone I realize all of the things that I miss.

It was a bittersweet trip. The sweet was this...

The bitter was realizing that Home is a hard to define. That it always isn't one place. That with the people that you used to share everyday conversations you are trying to sum up the last year of your life and it is harder than you ever imagined.

So where do you call Home? Is it hard for you to define?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Is anyone else profoundly relieved that GAP has realized they made a huge mistake and has decided to go back to their classic logo?

I am!

If you don't know what I am talking about, Gap North America, the often spoofed, yet beloved clothing store, tried to "update" their logo last week. It was less of an update and more of a "we just opened up a Word doc and typed in the word Gap and then added a little blue box with gradient shading". Seriously it looked like it was something out of a basic instruction manual for Windows 2000. Well they announced today, after a huge outcry from upset fans, that they are going back to the classic logo (the tall capital G A P in the navy blue box).

I am so relieved.

Why this tiny mishap in Gap's brand image campaign inspired me to plunk out a post? Well maybe it is just my small way of closing this huge GAP in time since I posted here.

It isn't that nothing interesting has happened in my life the last three months or so. On the contrary there has been lots going on in my life. Vacations on the beach, welcoming my adorable twin nephews into the world, trips to Dallas to help with said nephews (and getting a tiny glimpse of motherhood), football season starting!!!, first cruise ever, anniversaries, birthdays etc.

But along with all of that good stuff going on there has been a lot of uncertainty in my life in the last few months. Not knowing where my life is headed. Worrying about the future (sometimes even just the next day). Wondering if certain decisions we made a year ago were the right decisions. You know grown-up stuff.

I don't know why I haven't written about any of this. I guess I just haven't felt the urge to right it all down play by play. No need to worry about that now. A spade is a spade.

But here I am again!

I am back!

Like the Gap!